Category > Editing

Never Quit

Recently I had the pleasure of attending the book launch of a gentleman from our manuscript workshop. We’re all thrilled, since this is David Glenn’s first novel publication. It’s always exciting when someone you know breaks in and gets their debut novel published after years of pursuing their dream. David knows all about that. He […]

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So you want to be an anthology editor… Are you sure?

A mere five months ago, I’d never even considered editing as a potential occupation. Truthfully, I didn’t much care for editing—even my own work—seeing it only as a necessary evil on the path to writing success (which, for the record, remains elusive). Editors were mysterious, anal people I submitted to, got rejected by, and who seemed […]

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When in doubt, volunteer

Writing is a lonely business. I don’t know about you, but I toiled away for years on my own. Online writing groups helped, but I always knew that there was a larger community out there that was just outside my reach. The genre community seemed to revolve around conventions–I’d never been to any, and my […]

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